Siliang Zhang


About me

I am an Associate Professor at the School of Statistics, East China Normal University.

Prior to this, I was a post doctoral research officer within the Department of Statistics, London School of Economics and Political Science (I work with Prof. Fiona Steele, Prof. Jouni Kuha, and Prof. Irini Moustaki).

Prior to this, I was a Ph.D. student at Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences, Fudan University. I work with Prof. Zhiliang Ying and Dr. Yunxiao Chen.

My research focus on

  • tackling estimation problems in the large-scale assessment, by developing new statistical modeling methods and innovative computing algorithms.

  • latent variable modelling and multivariate hierarchical modelling, with applications in social science.

Current Appointments

Education & Employment History


Room A1508b, Science Building East China Normal University
No. 3663, Zhongshan North Road
Shanghai, China

My email address is: slzhang at fem dot ecnu dot edu dot cn