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Siliang Zhang (slzhang at ecnu dot edu dot cn)
Numerical Optimization by Jorge Nocedal and Stephen J. Wright, Springer, 2006.
最优化:建模、算法与理论(第二版) by 刘浩洋, 户将, 李勇锋,文再文, 高教出版社,2022.
Convex Optimization by S. Boyd and L. Vandenberghe, Cambridge University Press, 2004.
数值最优化方法 by 高立, 北京大学出版社, 2014.
Probabilistic Machine Learning - An Introduction by Kevin P. Murphy, MIT Press, 2023.
Python Data Science Handbook (2nd Edition) by Jake VanderPlas, 2023.
Matrix Algebra Useful for Statistics by Searle and Khuri.
Proximal Algorithms by Parikh and Boyd, Foundations and Trends in optimization, 2014.
Optimization Theory and Methods: Nonlinear Programming by Sun and Yuan, Springer Science & Business Media, 2006.
Optimization Methods for Large-Scale Machine Learning by Bottou at el.
本课程主要讲授(1)最优化的基本理论:包括函数、导数和梯度,凸性和凹性的概念,线性规划的基本理论和方法,以及非线性优化的基本理论和方法;(2)典型优化问题和方法:包括线性规划,非线性优化,包括无约束优化和约束优化,拉格朗日乘数法和KKT条件;(3)优化算法和实践:包括梯度下降法(GD)、随机梯度下降法(SGD)、牛顿-拉夫森法(Newton-Raphson Method)、内点法等的原理和Python实现,以及如何用Python解决实际的最优化问题;(4)通过案例学习的方式,了解最优化在不同领域,如统计学、机器学习、运筹学、经济学等领域的应用。本课程旨在帮助学生理解和掌握最优化的基本理论和方法,以及它们在实际问题中的应用。
This course is a highly important elective designed for undergraduate students majoring in mathematics, statistics, engineering, and other related fields. The core content of optimization methods revolves around studying how to find the best or “optimal” solution from a set of possible choices. Optimization methods not only form the foundation of many mathematical and engineering disciplines but also play a vital role in modern technological areas such as big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Various optimization methods have been extensively applied to solve real-world problems.
The course primarily instructs on:
(1) Basic theories of optimization: encompassing functions, derivatives and gradients, concepts of convexity and concavity, fundamental theories and methods of linear programming, and basic theories and methods of nonlinear optimization;
(2) Typical optimization problems and methods: including linear programming, nonlinear optimization, both unconstrained and constrained optimization, the Lagrange multiplier method, and KKT conditions;
(3) Optimization algorithms and practice: covering the principles and Python implementations of Gradient Descent (GD), Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), Newton-Raphson Method, Interior Point Method, etc., and how to address actual optimization problems using Python;
(4) Through case studies, understanding the applications of optimization in various fields such as statistics, machine learning, operations research, economics, etc.
The objective of this course is to assist students in understanding and mastering the fundamental theories and methods of optimization, along with their applications in addressing real-world problems.
章节 | 主题 | 周 |
第一章 最优化方法导论和Python基础 | 导论 | 1-2 |
第一章 最优化方法导论和Python基础 | Python基础与最优化 | 2 |
第二章 最优化基本理论与方法 | 函数、导数和梯度 | 3 |
第二章 最优化基本理论与方法 | 凸性和凹性 | 4 |
第三章 典型优化问题与最优性理论 | 线性规划与最小二乘问题 | 5 |
第三章 典型优化问题与最优性理论 | ❖复杂优化问题❖ | 6 |
第三章 典型优化问题与最优性理论 | ❖高级优化问题❖ | 7 |
第三章 典型优化问题与最优性理论 | ❖最优性理论(上)❖ | 8 |
第三章 典型优化问题与最优性理论 | ❖最优性理论(下)❖ | 9 |
第四章 优化算法及其实现 | 无约束优化算法 | 10 |
第四章 优化算法及其实现 | 约束优化算法 | 11 |
高级优化主题选讲 | Proximal算法、流形约束优化、非凸优化等 | 12 |